Welcome to Amo & Pax
At Amo & Pax, we’re looking to offer a different sort of shop, one that reflects a more conscious form of retail, design and making. Of selling and buying. Of sourcing and making responsibly. Using natural materials. Even repairing and upcycling on-site. We want to reimagine the shopping experience. Evoking the sense of exploring at a market or brocante. To nurture wellbeing and the human spirit, while celebrating creativity and creating in a beautiful space.
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Happenings, Events & Activities
At Amo & Pax, as well as design-focused shopping, with a strong emphasis on sustainability and making, we’ve a spacious, light-filled activities and events space on our upper floor. We are developing a range of nurturing Happenings around self development, making, creativity and wellbeing inspired by initiatives like The School of Life. Check out the latest classes and workshops on our Happenings page here.
Please sign up for our newsletter and we’ll send you on details of our events as they come around. We’d love to see you.
Or if you’re interested in using the space for your own class or activity, please email amy.kirwan@amoandpax.com. We’re always on the look-out for inspiring teachers and thought-leaders whose ideas and philosopies might align with our own. Thank you.
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"If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."